Good morning or day or evening! How are you? I hope you are in a good mood. Today I'm going to tell you about one of my loved cities - Saint-Petersburg. My family and I lived on Nevsky Prospect and it's my first love to the city. I liked this street because there are beautiful buildings with nice cafes there.
In the first day I went to the Church of the Savior on Blood. I think that I've never seen such a beauty before. That is the most beautiful Church with big mosaic inside and it's the monument of Russian mosaic art. In St. Petersburg, most of all I was amazed with architecture, which is unique at every step, and you can only be admired.
I went to two bookstores, but I liked very much bookstore "Zinger" One of the facts why it's so famous in Saint-Petersburg is because there is automatic snow roof cleaning and it has the latest technology of 20th century. In the bookstore "Zinger" there is a large selection of books for all tastes. This is the biggest bookstore I've ever seen. There is a cafe there which is located on the second floor. It's a usual cafe with different delicious desserts, coffee and there are panoramic windows with nice views on Nevsky Prospect.
For me St.Petersburg became a magical city. I hope you'll like photos and you'll understand why I fell in love with this city. I send you a lot of positive energy, good luck. See you soon!
In the first day I went to the Church of the Savior on Blood. I think that I've never seen such a beauty before. That is the most beautiful Church with big mosaic inside and it's the monument of Russian mosaic art. In St. Petersburg, most of all I was amazed with architecture, which is unique at every step, and you can only be admired.
I went to two bookstores, but I liked very much bookstore "Zinger" One of the facts why it's so famous in Saint-Petersburg is because there is automatic snow roof cleaning and it has the latest technology of 20th century. In the bookstore "Zinger" there is a large selection of books for all tastes. This is the biggest bookstore I've ever seen. There is a cafe there which is located on the second floor. It's a usual cafe with different delicious desserts, coffee and there are panoramic windows with nice views on Nevsky Prospect.
For me St.Petersburg became a magical city. I hope you'll like photos and you'll understand why I fell in love with this city. I send you a lot of positive energy, good luck. See you soon!
Всем привет! Настало время рассказать про поездку в Санкт-Петербург. Мы жили в центре города на Невском проспекте и это пожалуй моя первая любовь в городе. Мне очень понравился город, нам повезло с погодой и всю неделю было солнышко и довольно тепло.
В первый день мы пошли в храм Спаса-на-Крови, мне кажется такой красоты я еще нигде не видела. Я знаю, что внутри здания самая большая мозаика в Европе и это памятник русского мозаичного искусства, поэтому он так знаменит. В Питере больше всего я поражалась архитектуре, которая на каждом шагу неповторимая и остается только восхищаться.
Еще я зашла в два книжных и больше всего мне понравился знаменитый магазин "Зингер" Одна из причин почему он знаменит в Питере является то, что там была автоматическая очистка крыши от снега, а это были новейшие технологии того времени(20 века). Так же в книжном магазине "Зингер" большой выбор книг на любой вкус, мне кажется это один из самых больших книжных, который я когда либо видела. В книжном есть кафе "Зингер", которое находится на втором этаже. Это обычное кафе с очень вкусными различными пирожными и кофе, из панорамных окон можно увидеть Невский Проспект.
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