Hello everyone! So autumn has come in my blog finally! I don't love this time of the year, because in Moscow it's always raining and very cold ! But this year autumn is warm and not much rain, it was the summer month (September) But in October it is cold and it is not very nice.
I dont think about school in the beginning of autumn. I associate autumn with hats, warm sweaters and other autumn clothes. Probably autumn style is my favorite, because it's very comfortable and warm, when you go for a walk in the leather jacket, jeans, sneakers and a hat with a backpack. Exactly that I did on my first autumn weekends.
Frst I went to the central market "Tsvetnoy" where I bought this amazing hat and didn't forget about this accessory. Then I and my friends decided to go for a walk on the street "Kuznetsky Most" where there is my favorite bookstore and a cafe with delicious desserts. So I tasted the red cake finally and it was very tasty and sweetly!You can understand that I have amazing weekend, and you? It is very interesting for me, so I will wait for your stories. I send you a lot of positive energy and good luck! See you soon, my dear friends <3
I dont think about school in the beginning of autumn. I associate autumn with hats, warm sweaters and other autumn clothes. Probably autumn style is my favorite, because it's very comfortable and warm, when you go for a walk in the leather jacket, jeans, sneakers and a hat with a backpack. Exactly that I did on my first autumn weekends.
Frst I went to the central market "Tsvetnoy" where I bought this amazing hat and didn't forget about this accessory. Then I and my friends decided to go for a walk on the street "Kuznetsky Most" where there is my favorite bookstore and a cafe with delicious desserts. So I tasted the red cake finally and it was very tasty and sweetly!You can understand that I have amazing weekend, and you? It is very interesting for me, so I will wait for your stories. I send you a lot of positive energy and good luck! See you soon, my dear friends <3
Привет всем! Вот и в мой блог наконец-то пришла осень. Я не очень люблю это время года, потому что чаще всего в Москве холодно и много дождей, но в этом году московская осень была очень теплая, я бы сказала это было такое лето на месяц(сентябрь) А вот в начале октября стало холодно, что не очень приятно.
У меня всегда осенние время ассоциируется не со школой, а со шляпами, свитерами и другой осенней одеждой. Наверное осенний стиль мой самый любимый, ведь в кожаной куртке, черных джинсах, свитере и рюкзаком со шляпой всегда будет удобно и тепло прогуливаться по любимым улицам любимого города, что я и сделала в первые осенние выходные.
Сначала мы пошли в "Цветной", а потом решили прогуляться по Кузнецкому мосту. Кстати, именно в "Цветном" я купила себе эту замечательную шляпу, так что вы ее еще часто увидите в моем блоге. И как не зайти в мое самое любимое кафе "Magnolia Bakery"? Я наконец-то попробовала этот красный торт.
Your hair is super pretty! And the hat looks great on you :)
ОтветитьУдалить- Saskia
Thank you! :)