Good morning or day or evening! So I'm in Georgia, in Tbilisi and it's unbelievably beautiful. I like bird’s eye views, it's unforgettable in my opinion. Here are many colorful flowers, trees and really warm weather, so I have a real spring. Besides picturesque views of the town, the architecture is great. During one day I was able to see so many interesting and different buildings that I'm glad and exciting now. I saw amazing birds - peacocks. It's only beginning of my travel and it means I'll see a lot of unusual and beautiful things!
Have you been to Tbilisi or would you like to visit this city? I'll be waiting for your answers in the comments ;)
I send you a lot of positive energy and be happy. Thanks for reading and see you soon!
Have you been to Tbilisi or would you like to visit this city? I'll be waiting for your answers in the comments ;)
I send you a lot of positive energy and be happy. Thanks for reading and see you soon!
Привет, привет! Я в Грузии, в городе Тбилиси и тут просто невероятно красиво. Особенно мне нравится виды с высоты птичего полета, незабываемое зрелище на мой взгляд. Очень много цветов, деревьев и теплая погода, так что у меня настоящая весна ;) Кроме живописных видов здесь красивая архитектура, за один день я увидела много разных интересных зданий. А еще встретила очень милых птиц - павлинов! Именно поэтому сейчас я такая радостная и позитивная, но это только начало моей поездки!
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